'Nicola Gunn’s theatre is tantalizing, entertaining, ridiculous and often bewildering in the best possible way'
Herald Sun (For Nicola Gunn's 'Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster')
'Intricate and often brilliant'
The Age (For Nicola Gunn's 'Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster')
'[Nicola Gunn] combines performance, art and anthropology like no other artist'
Daily Review (For Nicola Gunn's 'Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster')

Indulge in Nicola Gunn’s personal fantasy of being a French actress – despite being categorically not French.

In a series of surreal comedic encounters a French actress is fired for her bad behaviour, two tourists find themselves disappointed by the city of Paris and a French translator attempts to navigate the complex relationship with her mother and her mother tongue.

Apologia fuses comedy with awkward attempts to express ourselves and communicate across boundaries. Armed with her signature bold and candid approach, Nicola Gunn (Piece For Person and Ghetto Blaster) confronts what it means to have your voice translated by others.


Co-Produced by BIT Teatergarasjen, Rosendal Teater and Black Box Teater. This project has been realised with the support of the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Council Norway and through an AsiaTOPA. Virtual Lab supported by Arts Centre Melbourne, Playking Foundation and the Commonwealth of Australia.

Nicola Gunn Headshot

Writer, Director & Performer /

Nicola Gunn

Taka Takiguchi 滝口貴 Headshot

Performer /

Taka Takiguchi 滝口貴

Yumi Umiumare Headshot

Performer /

Yumi Umiumare

Katie Åtland  Headshot

Set Designer /

Katie Åtland

Kate Davis Headshot

Costume Designer /

Kate Davis

Emma Valente Headshot

Lighting Designer /

Emma Valente

Darius Kedros Headshot

Composer & Sound Designer /

Darius Kedros

Martyn Coutts Headshot

AV Designer /

Martyn Coutts

Séverine Magois Headshot

French Translator & Voiceover /

Séverine Magois

Aoi Matsushima Headshot

Japanese Translator /

Aoi Matsushima

Harry Dowling Headshot

Stage Manager /

Harry Dowling

Event & ticketing details

Performance Times

7pm, Tue 6 Aug
7pm, Wed 7 Aug
7pm, Thu 8 Aug
7pm, Tue — Sat
2pm, Sat 17 Aug
5pm, Sun 18 Aug
7pm, Tue 13 Aug

Content notes

This production contains coarse language, loud music and flashing lights, and features English translation surtitles of performers’ dialogue. 

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