Malthouse Comedy

Malthouse Comedy
Part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Malthouse Theatre is proud to produce a massive comedy program right here at the centre of Melbourne's buzzing arts precinct. In 2024, we delivered our biggest year yet, becoming one of the major hubs of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. We brought some of the most exciting names in comedy as well as emerging, local artists to our packed-out venues – and this year is set to be even bigger!

Featured artists from previous programs include Rose Matafeo (NZ), Rueben Kaye (AUS), Daniel Kitson (UK), Garry Starr (AUS), Hot Department (AUS), Ed Byrne (UK), Hannah Camilleri (AUS), Geraldine Quinn (AUS), Dr Brown (USA), Jason Leong (MA), Alex Hines (AUS) and Liz Kingsman (AUS/UK).

Malthouse Comedy will run from 26 March to 20 April 2025 as part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

EOIs are now open for 2025

Be part of the biggest year of comedy at Malthouse and submit an expression of interest before 5pm, 23 October 2024 via the link below.

Malthouse is committed to making the application process and festival experience accessible and inclusive for artists of all backgrounds. We invite submissions from all people and strongly encourage those who identify as Indigenous, Bla(c)k, People of Colour (IBPOC), CaLD, neurodiverse, LGBTQIA+ and gender diverse to apply.

For more information, download the artist pack below with all the details of rooms, costings, and how to apply.